"Gertie" is a 1931 Riley Nine Tourer that I have owned since 2003. I am a member of the Riley Register.
Here is a picture from the old car rally that took place in May 2013 in northern France (Pays de Fougeres, in Normandy and Brittany). Riley was the Marque d'Honneur for 2013 and 28 pre-war Rileys took part.

Gertie pursued by an MG in the Circuit d'Angouleme Rally, 2015
Pictures of the 1935 Riley Kestrel that I had as a student in 1965. I bought it for £25.
A recent addition: 1974 MG Midget.
A stop on a rally in the Vercors region of France, May 2017 (A.R.A.)